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Image by J Lee

Welcome to Ann M Basili
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©Star Seed Books by Ann M Basili


Ann Basili with her Pomeranian

A new age, ethically conscious writer


Welcome to the fascinating world of Ann Basili - Writer/ Author, Quantum Healer, Hypnotist/ past life regressionist, Counsellor, Artist & Earth Lover.

Ann lives with her little Pomeranian Aura-Luna in the Southwest of WA in the country town of Margaret River. Surrounded by nature, she spends much of her time in the forest or by the ocean either meditating, walking or simply sitting, admiring the beauty Margaret River has to offer.

When Ann’s not amongst the trees, or by the ocean, she’s  usually writing,

creating or working with people.

Her work as a Quantum Healer has been a key instigator for her creative writing as it is like a portal into alternate universes where magical, mystical things exist;

where nothing is impossible & all is probable.




Ann’s writing for children in her book

"Astara and Erefery, Goddesses of the Realm & the Little Blue Planet"

may be colourful and light hearted yet it remains meaningful and insightful.

It reveals undertones of ethical consciousness and awareness in relation to humanity and the earth we live on. She hopes that the messages contained in her book will encourage children to consider carefully their role as guardians of this planet & take seriously their responsibilities to it and to each other. She feels that if only one thing is taken away from her book, it’s kindness to each other and to all living things. Then acting from a place of kindness you go out into the world to be and do great things that will leave only a positive impact.




As for her book "By Divine Instruction - Lessons in Metaphysical Healing" released in November 2023, is a deep dive into the realms of metaphysical & spiritual healing, based on Ann's own healing experience in 2019. From there evolved a series of meditations which were delivered to her By Divine Instruction. Following this journey, she created a course called the Metaphysical Healing Meditations, inspiring the book to be written as a guided healing handbook in order to deliver the healing message ~ that we all have an innate ability to heal ourselves using the power of our mind & some Divine assistance.




From Ann to you,Thank you.


*Note: Ann Basili has a BA in Sociology / Anthropology & a BA in Social Work.

She works privately as a Quantum Healing Hypnosis practitioner (QHHT®); Theta Healer® and counsellor. You can view her professional website at ORION METAPHYSICAL


Book Launch

By Divine Instruction


WhenSunday 5th November

Time:  4:30pm (Sundowner)

Where:  KSP Writer's Centre

11 Old York Rd, Greenmount, WA

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